my muscles still ached due to our wall climbing session last friday. we were 9 all in all, my officemates and i and we proved to be one noisy bunch by the time we got to power up. it had been a long time since my last climb and i have gotten extremely ill twice this year already that i was almost doubtful that i'll get to the top. but all that went away when i was the first to reach the top. i had already made 4 climbs and 3 climb downs when cy and miguel arrived (just to watch). and i decided to climb the left walls which were more challenging since the wall slanted and there were cut-offs. i felt a bit sorry for ehmil who belayed me since he was constantly being teased about being beaten up given he let me fall. hahahha. it was hard and i was out of breath 3/4 of the way but i pushed myself to reach the highest hold. since cy was there. ^^ i wanted him to be proud of me. and he was. i beamed when miguel said at the bottom that i still had it. anyway, more climbs are being scheduled and i'm hoping to be able to climb the rest of the left wall by february. and the right walls? hahha maybe i better not think of it right now. yes, my muscles still ache but i don't mind. i can't wait for our next climb on friday!