I still remember this. Two months short of a year and I can still remember the rapture I felt like it happened only moments ago.. the first time I laid my eyes on it, the moment I christened it Neve and it became a her rather than an it, the first application I installed in her 80-Gig capacity, the first time I ran something testing her 1G RAM, e-v-e-r-y-thing. Which is why I find it delightful to see Cy go through all the cycles with his own MacBook! I have my Neve, and Cy now has his Scylax! Both in pristine white cases and 13' displays, they look to be the perfect pair. The only difference they have as of the moment is that Neve is fitted in a pink clear hard case while Scylax is sporting a clear case. Just as Neve grew indispensable to me, I know that Scylax would be just as dear to my Cy.
One is usually enough. And for some select instances, one is too much. This however, is definitely one of the rare cases where 2 isn't such a bad number.
To Cy. And now, to you as well Scylax. >.<