Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i'm learning to love to hate it...

everything's a love hate relationship...

what is after all everything in its entirety if not a giant double-sided coin?

Monday, July 11, 2005


i have regained typing decency after turning in the usual qwerty keyboard scheme for dvorak. i can now continue putting my thoughts into words as i string them to completion letter by letter on a new keyboard scheme thanks to a new found agility of my fingers.
what do i write about? do i write about the ball game a couple of friends, hubby and i watched yesterday as we incessantly cut up miguel who was the only atenean in the group piece by piece amidst hecklers with their verbal violence and die-hards with mounting animo vied for their teams?
should i write about the kitchie nadal/cynthia alexander gig my cousins, hubby and i watched during June 24 at Hard Rock Cafe and try to elaborate on the artists' musical stylings that captivated everyone as hubby and i held hands under the table.
i can try to give descriptive justice to the lillium that hubby gave me during our 8th month as a couple last june 30.
i'll write about my new job instead. stark differences are hard not to notice and in my case, hard not to appreciate as i now can leave the office as early as 5pm (as opposed to the daily average of 10pm at hmmmmm, alright no names. i have flamed them too many times already).
it's a pity that i can no longer recall the many topics i have lingered on during my flight to bacolod. i know that i made sense about something but memory is an uncooperative ally most of the time.
i replace my haphazard thoughts back to the mind that hosts them and decide to write about nothing instead.