Friday, August 05, 2005

wedding crashers

true love, as succinctly put in the movie, wedding crashers, is finding your soul's counterpart in another person. dare i say i know exactly what john (owen wilson) is talking about as cliche' sounding as it may be. if 'true love' as widely known to most and personally preferred by me to be known as utopia or better yet, as brandon boyd coins it 'three-fold utopian dream', is generally considered to be a dream, then consider me to be luckily living in one.

i have to admit to myself, even though surprisingly so, that i was taken aback by the movie in the sense that i was expecting another mindless chick flick and saw instead, a movie that has depth (if you know how to scratch the surface) if not a movie that i could relate to in many accounts at the least. heck, if a movie inspired me to blog despite dropping eyelids then enough should be said. anyway, the following is a rundown of the accounts presented in the movie with which i testify i can relate to:

1. friendship - "a friend in need is a pest" may hold true at times but not only recently did i found out (and i'm glad that i did even though i was a johnny come lately on this one) that a friend is a friend. and losing a real friend is, i think one of the most tragic things that can happen to people.
2. decisions - knowing what you want is one of the best consolations perhaps that we have in life given that (as Schopenhauer put it) "man can do as he will, but not will as he will". yes, we live in a world that holds truths and virtual truths. and to the virtual truth of freedom, i will will over that which i can will.
3. everyone else's 'true love' and my three-fold utopian dream - the worlds greatest cliche' and will eternally be for as long men (and women but more so on the women) know to hope.

yes, some of the things that we do in life may seem to some (especially those that are merely outside looking in. the kind that talk as if they had the definite say on the matter. the kind that talk as if theirs is the only perspective possible) as irresponsible, juvenile and pathetic. but if the things that we did by some whim of fate led us to things that are important then who's to say that we are sincerely regretful if not regretful in most aspects? if the things that i do now even if deemed by convention as taboo led to my greater happiness, led to me finding my soul's counterpart in another person then who's to say that i am completely an exile to decorum? ostracism due to violation of a socially conceived anathema is but a small price to pay in exchange for one's three-fold utopian dream.

if i let cowardice, indecision and gentility get the best of me in things that matter, then i'd be more nothing but the same thing as before and less of someone who has found what many only dream about.

i thank the decisive look with which i saw you for the first time and recognized instantly and without a doubt, my soul's counterpart in yours.