Friday, September 26, 2008

now, a quarter of a century...

to those who remembered and greeted me on my natal day. :)

ma, pa, my siblings minus 1, cousteau for a bark and a lick!
cousins, girlfriends of cousins, boyfriends of cousins, titas, titos, aunts and uncles
extended families and cy's sisters most especially
colleagues in the faculty room, recomed inc. and upstrat inc.
students, MS classmates and once-classmates(both in college and in hs)
and my ebc family, capoeira, kick-ass training sessions, roda and good axe: (especially to contente, beju, piexe frito, pixote, pirulito, macaca and esquiva)

family, friends, acquaintances, and significant other**. for writing on my wall. :)

i know the celebration started early (sep 19) and ended kinda late (sep28) but company is sweet especially if you know that they are genuine. gb3 banana leaf, north park, gb2 bizu and bhs tgif :)

feliz aniversario, professora! parabens!