Wednesday, April 04, 2007

cloth pieces from the quilt of my mind

The thing I like most about school are the days when I miss them. Being a La Sallian, this means the pathetic 3 weeks that make up our summer break. Finals week starts on April 9. Course card day is on April 19. Although Miss Ji has already informed me of my load next term, I'm free of classes until May 22!


On March 28-31, I was at Baguio for an all expense paid Cisco Networking Academy Program Conference. The conference aside, Baguio isn't what it used to be. Far from the mountain haven I remembered it to be, it is now reduced to another city that has been urbanized to death.


I just took my Final Exams for on of my MS classes (COMPARC/Computer Architecture) and was two points short of perfect. One 4.0 down, another one to go.


I'm eager for my next Capoeira class! They cancelled last night's class due to Holy Week so I swam instead. Tuesday next week is going to be my 5th session! In case you're interested, here's the official website of Escola Brasileira de Capoeira Philippines.


Summertime and the livin's easy... (lyrics from Summertime by SUBLIME) now that I've got my Oakley Crosshair S(purple tint)


Upstrat Projects lined up: (codename only)


Meaning I've got loads of stuff to do before our Boracay trip on April 28.


I wonder when I'll be able to get enough time to take it easy without feeling guilty about it.