Tuesday, November 29, 2005


we come of age and we expect to be nothing short of wiser. we age and behold, life unfolds its mysteries one after the other as we gracefully surrender the things of youth and trade them with things better suited for the journey. at last enlightenment. at last clarity of adage. at last tranquility within, contentment and altruism. at last a love eternal.

we face the dawn mindful of the shadows that we cast. the light that we set our gaze upon is the light guides us to where we might be and is also the light that marks shadows of were we have been. how ever high or below the horizon the light we behold, however short or long the shadows cast, we are stuck between moving forward and going back. stuck in the intersection of time. as tomorrow becomes today and eventually yesterday. despite our longing to weild it with our will. to hold off change or to encourage it is not ours to bear.

time is time whether it be fast or slow. it can haste or delay but never with complete alacrity or procrastination. ever still and ever in motion. we are stuck in an hour glass until our sand runs out.