Tuesday, November 15, 2005

designer in the making

cy once said that it is evident that perhaps designing is my passion. that, i make surprisingly exceptional drawings in AI and make good web designs and lay-outs for one that is unadmittedly not a designer. finally, after months of shadowboxing and denials, i admit that he is right. programming's not that bad and i don't think im bad at it either. but i guess it all boils down to passion. i'm turning in my syntax and APIs for css and image manipulation. i'm only sorry i didn't acknowledge it sooner.

i bought two books today (the zen of css design and adobe photoshop cs2:classroom in a book). and had my dad buy my 2 others (html utopia:designing without tables and dhtml utopia:modern web design using javascript & dom) in his insistance. 2 more are in queue for me to buy (adobe illustrator classroom in a book & i forgot the other one hehehe). below is an image i got off the web of the first book i bought today as a mark of my resolve.