Friday, April 01, 2005

a breath of a whisper

here it is, i say to no one in particular..

Much to my chagrin I have been very passively compelled to join the online community with a new sense of vigor and responsibility. I really havent decided on a style for this journal yet. Part of me wishes it to be a podium for some of my more ethereal ideas. Still, another part of me calls, almost demanding, that it be a more personal form of expression. A diary (ugh) perhaps, one with a potential audience of millions, but a practical audeince of only those few friends to which I reaveal it.

These things seem more like a catharthus than anything. It would be like publishing your autobiography in the library of congress a single page at a time. You have the joy of knowing that your life is there, recorded and on public view, but you have the comfort of knowing that it is concealed by the sum of human knowledge. Each of us, to some degree, wants to reveal our nature to the world and admit even our darkest sins. The detention though is more in what is said than who is listening. Seems like a particularly subjectivist point of view there.
God help me if I wander too far down that road..