Tuesday, December 27, 2005

east heaven 168

on the 24th, cy and i found ourselves heading home (his home that is) as i was invited to spend christmas at their place. i had taken care in wrapping their gifts, a body shop bergamot cologne for mai and a giordano cap (a style i do not know but much like a paper boy's) for balolo (the christmas basket and the ham i gave a week earlier). unfortunately, my tokens never reached the foot of their christmas tree as 20 mins after arriving, we saw ourselves out.

i had seated myself on their living room while they conversed and caught up with each other. i then saw a bunch of photos and saw an old one of cy's. it took 5 mins for cy to ask me what was wrong and i did my explanation by pointing at the offensive photograph. cy took the photograph from the book case and disappeared out of sight. he emerged 5 mins later carrying his luggage and saying nothing except for me to take my things. i was dumbstruck- but i obeyed. as cy stormed out of the house, i waved a sheepish goodbye to mai, balolo and ebi while trying to stay in stride.

cy told me that he had thrown that particular photograph away a long time ago even before we got together and that he was just as surprised as i was when he saw it there. apparently cy said, mai had retrieved the photograph as it was not in her nature to throw away anything. he ripped it apart he said. he doesn't want me to feel violated in any way. and i was violated. but that went away as cy told me all this and i realized that he had stood up for me (and that implies a lot of things). that is how cy ruined our christmas and strengthened our relationship :)

we headed back to my place to drop off our things after stopping over for a couple of games at hobbystop. we then took a taxi ride to eastwood.

eastwood. heaven and eggs. station 168.

that's how we spent our christmas. it was unconventional in every which way... but i'm glad that both cy and i have a thing for the unconventional.