Tuesday, December 27, 2005

fossil town festival

on the 25th, cy and i found ourselves on a bus speeding across the south super highway and headed for the metropolis. we got off at atc a jeepney ride later. we meandered and after a time, we ate lunch at gerry's grill. we got tickets to a movie and meandered some more while waiting for the screening time to clock out.

atc is a place i miss. i used to go there a lot during my college weekends when i would sleep at my cousin's place at bf homes lp. i would go home on a friday afternoon or evening, and come back monday early morning to the welcome of my dormitory. after a year of atc abstinence, i'm glad i got to go with cy.

anyway, as we were looking for the store francesco for my red madrid birk (to cut my white one some slack from use) that cy will buy for me as a christmas present, we found ourselves window shopping at fossil and i saw sunglasses that would suit cy better than the one he currently had one. it was an angelika. and it came in brown/bronze and white/silver. cy opted for the brown/bronze and i bought it for him. he wanted to buy me the white/silver but after inspection, i found it a bit deformed. there was some pouting and oh wells until the clerk informed me that the branch over at festival had the same model. after the movie we headed for festival mall. i have forgotten how big it was and it took some time before we found the store.

we spent christmas rather unconventionally considering that we should be at cy's place. but i'm not one to complain. i guess diliman would have to wait until my next visit.